Friday, April 23, 2010

Oolong Tea Weight Loss - See Why it Has Such Great Results

The oolong tea weight loss system has been found to have some of the greatest concentrations of polyphenols. The polyphenols which occur naturally in the plant these tea leaves come from are known to activate enzymes which break down the fat and carbohydrates that enter our bodies. This is one of the reasons that the this weight loss system works so well.

To make the tea more potent the leaves are treated differently than leaves that may even be picked from the same plant. These leaves are allowed to oxidize under controlled conditions are are not crushed as other tea leaves are. This leaves the cell structure intact.

The Oolong tea weight loss system has been used by many people who don't even know the other health benefits of this tea, or of the research that has been done to prove these benefits. You will find some of these below.

People in China have been using tea for its medicinal properties for hundred of years. In one study men who drank one cup of the tea a week for six months showed a reduced risk for pancreatic, colon and rectal cancer.

The next research was done in 2001 and reported in the International Journal of Cancer. The Oolong tea weight loss product was given to people with stomach disease and stomach cancer. The findings came back and showed that the people who drank more than three cups of tea a day had a 61% lower rate of cancer while the people who only drank one to three cups a day had a 30% lower rate.

Over a ten year period in Japan women with a history of breast cancer were part of a study where some drank 5 cups of the tea weight loss product and some did not. The women who drank the tea were 50% less likely to have a recurrence.

Studies done at the Karolinska Institue in Stockholm showed that one of the components of the tea called EGCG for short had prevented the growth of new blood vessels to malignant tumors. This is a significant finding because malignant tumors need blood vessels to grow. You just can't deny finding like that. Do not confuse this tea with the popular ballerina tea, they are made from two different plants.

The Oolong tea weight loss product has been sold as just that, a weight loss product but as you can see it has many other benefits.

Homeopathist, Sally Danfurwick, explores various remedic teas at her website, Read more about Wuyi Tea 2 at his website

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